Package : perl-autovivification > RPM : perl-autovivification-0.180.0-10.mga10.src.rpm

Basic items

Name perl-autovivification
Version 0.180.0
Release 10.mga10
Group Development/Perl
Summary Lexically disable autovivification
Size 59KB
Arch aarch64
License GPL+ or Artistic


When an undefined variable is dereferenced, it gets silently upgraded to an
array or hash reference (depending of the type of the dereferencing). This
behaviour is called autovivification and usually does what you mean (e.g. when
you store a value) but it may be unnatural or surprising because your variables
gets populated behind your back. This is especially true when several levels of
dereferencing are involved, in which case all levels are vivified up to the
last, or when it happens in intuitively read-only constructs like exists.

This pragma lets you disable autovivification for some constructs and
optionally throws a warning or an error when it would have happened.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia cauldron
Media name core-release
Media arch x86_64

Advanced items

Build time 2023-11-28 11:17:03
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