Package : perl-Template-Alloy > RPM : perl-Template-Alloy-1.22.0-2.mga9.src.rpm

Basic items

Name perl-Template-Alloy
Version 1.22.0
Release 2.mga9
Group Development/Perl
Summary TT2/3, HT, HTE, Tmpl, and Velocity Engine
Size 196KB
Arch noarch
License GPL+ or Artistic


"An alloy is a homogeneous mixture of two or more elements"

Template::Alloy represents the mixing of features and capabilities from all
of the major mini-language based template systems (support for
non-mini-language based systems will happen eventually). With
Template::Alloy you can use your favorite template interface and syntax and
get features from each of the other major template systems. And
Template::Alloy is fast - whether your using mod_perl, cgi, or running from
the commandline. There is even Template::Alloy::XS for getting a little
more speed when that is necessary.

Template::Alloy happened by accident (accidentally on purpose). The
Template::Alloy (Alloy hereafter) was originally a part of the CGI::Ex
suite that performed simple variable interpolation. It used TT2 style
variables in TT2 style tags "[% %]". That was all the original
Template::Alloy did. This was fine and dandy for a couple of years. In
winter of 2005-2006 Alloy was revamped to add a few features. One thing led
to another and soon Alloy provided for most of the features of TT2 as well
as some from TT3. Template::Alloy now provides a full-featured
implementation of the Template::Toolkit language.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia cauldron
Media name core-release
Media arch x86_64

Advanced items

Build time 2022-03-21 15:16:48
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