Package : perl-Business-CreditCard > RPM : perl-Business-CreditCard-0.390.0-1.mga9.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name perl-Business-CreditCard
Version 0.390.0
Release 1.mga9
Group Development/Perl
Summary Credit card number check digit test
Size 32KB
Arch noarch
License GPL+ or Artistic


These subroutines tell you whether a credit card number is self-consistent
-- whether the last digit of the number is a valid checksum for the
preceding digits.

The validate() subroutine returns 1 if the card number provided passes the
checksum test, and 0 otherwise.

The cardtype() subroutine returns a string containing the type of card. The
list of possible return values is more comprehensive than it used to be,
but additions are still most welcome.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia cauldron
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM perl-Business-CreditCard-0.390.0-1.mga9.src.rpm
Build time 2022-08-27 18:01:15
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