Package : ocaml-num > RPM : ocaml-num-1.1-8.mga8.armv7hl.rpm

Basic items

Name ocaml-num
Version 1.1
Release 8.mga8
Group Development/OCaml
Summary Legacy Num library for arbitrary-precision integer and rational arithmetic
Size 654KB
Arch armv7hl
License LGPLv2+ with exceptions


This library implements arbitrary-precision arithmetic on big integers
and on rationals.

This is a legacy library. It used to be part of the core OCaml
distribution (in otherlibs/num) but is now distributed separately. New
applications that need arbitrary-precision arithmetic should use the
Zarith library ( instead of the Num
library, and older applications that already use Num are encouraged to
switch to Zarith. Zarith delivers much better performance than Num and
has a nicer API.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 8
Media name core-release
Media arch armv7hl

Advanced items

Source RPM ocaml-num-1.1-8.mga8.src.rpm
Build time 2020-08-22 08:13:11
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