Package : ocaml-findlib > RPM : ocaml-findlib-1.8.1-4.mga8.armv7hl.rpm

Basic items

Name ocaml-findlib
Version 1.8.1
Release 4.mga8
Group Development/OCaml
Summary A module packaging tool for OCaml
Size 1,670KB
Arch armv7hl
License BSD


The findlib library provides a scheme to manage reusable software
components (packages), and includes tools that support this scheme.
Packages are collections of OCaml modules for which meta-information can
be stored. The packages are kept in the file-system hierarchy, but with
strict directory structure. The library contains functions to look the
directory up that stores a package, to query meta-information about a
package, and to retrieve dependency information about multiple packages.
There is also a tool that allows the user to enter queries on the
command-line. In order to simplify compilation and linkage, there are
new front-ends of the various OCaml compilers that can directly deal with

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 8
Media name core-release
Media arch armv7hl

Advanced items

Source RPM ocaml-findlib-1.8.1-4.mga8.src.rpm
Build time 2020-08-21 14:27:53
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