Package : ideviceinstaller > RPM : ideviceinstaller-1.1.1-1.mga8.armv7hl.rpm

Basic items

Name ideviceinstaller
Version 1.1.1
Release 1.mga8
Group System/Libraries
Summary Manage apps of iOS devices
Size 57KB
Arch armv7hl
License GPLv2


A command-line application to manage apps and app archives on iOS devices.


The ideviceinstaller application allows interacting with the app
installation service of an iOS device.

It makes use of the fabulous libimobiledevice library that allows
communication with iOS devices.

Some key features are:

* Status: Install, upgrade, uninstall, archive, restore and enumerate apps
* Browse: Allows to retrieve a list of installed apps with filter options
* Install: Supports app package, carrier bundle and developer .app directory
* Format: Allows command output in plist format
* Compatibility: Supports latest device firmware releases
* Cross-Platform: Tested on Linux, macOS, Windows and Android platforms

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 8
Media name core-release
Media arch armv7hl

Advanced items

Source RPM ideviceinstaller-1.1.1-1.mga8.src.rpm
Build time 2020-07-08 17:09:30
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