Package : ruby-pry > RPM : ruby-pry-0.13.0-1.mga8.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name ruby-pry
Version 1:0.13.0
Release 1.mga8
Group Development/Ruby
Summary An IRB alternative and runtime developer console
Size 524KB
Arch noarch
License Ruby License and MIT


Pry is a powerful alternative to the standard IRB shell for Ruby. It is written
from scratch to provide a number of advanced features.

Pry also aims to be more than an IRB replacement; it is an attempt to bring
REPL driven programming to the Ruby language. It is currently not as powerful
as tools like SLIME for lisp, but that is the general direction Pry is heading.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 8
Media name core-release
Media arch aarch64

Advanced items

Source RPM ruby-pry-0.13.0-1.mga8.src.rpm
Build time 2020-03-28 18:54:30
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