Package : xmds > RPM : xmds-2.2.3-2.mga7.src.rpm

Basic items

Name xmds
Version 2.2.3
Release 2.mga7
Group Sciences/Other
Summary Prepare for fast, easily-extended simulations
Size 34MB
Arch noarch
License GPLv2


The purpose of XMDS2 is to simplify the process of creating
simulations that solve systems of initial-value first-order partial
and ordinary differential equations. Instead of going through the
error-prone process of writing by hand thousands of lines of code,
XMDS2 enables many problems to be described in a simple XML format.
From this XML description XMDS2 writes a C++ simulation that solves
the problem using fast algorithms. Anecdotally, the code generated
by XMDS2 is as fast as, or faster than, code hand-written by an
expert, but by using XMDS2 the time taken to produce the simulation
is significantly reduced.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 7
Media name core-release
Media arch x86_64

Advanced items

Build time 2018-09-21 04:01:39
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