Package : perl-GD-SecurityImage > RPM : perl-GD-SecurityImage-1.730.0-3.mga6.src.rpm

Basic items

Name perl-GD-SecurityImage
Version 1.730.0
Release 3.mga6
Group Development/Perl
Summary Security image (captcha) generator
Size 92KB
Arch noarch
License GPL+ or Artistic


The (so called) _"Security Images"_ are so popular. Most internet software
use these in their registration screens to block robot programs (which may
register tons of fake member accounts). Security images are basicaly,
graphical *CAPTCHA*s (*C*ompletely *A*utomated *P*ublic *T*uring Test to
Tell *C*omputers and *H*umans *A*part). This module gives you a basic
interface to create such an image. The final output is the actual graphic
data, the mime type of the graphic and the created random string. The
module also has some _"styles"_ that are used to create the background (or
foreground) of the image.

If you are an 'Authen::Captcha' user, see the GD::SecurityImage::AC manpage
for migration from 'Authen::Captcha' to 'GD::SecurityImage'.

This module is *just an image generator*. Not a _captcha handler_. The
validation of the generated graphic is left to your programming taste. But
there are some _captcha handlers_ for several Perl FrameWorks. If you are
an user of one of these frameworks, see the /"GD::SecurityImage
Implementations" manpage in the /"SEE ALSO" manpage section for

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 6
Media name core-release
Media arch armv5tl

Advanced items

Build time 2016-06-19 02:51:43
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