Package : perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths > RPM : perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.11.0-3.mga6.src.rpm

Basic items

Name perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths
Version 0.11.0
Release 3.mga6
Group Development/Perl
Summary Build.PL install path logic made easy
Size 21KB
Arch noarch
License GPL+ or Artistic


This module tries to make install path resolution as easy as possible.

When you want to install a module, it needs to figure out where to install
things. The nutshell version of how this works is that default installation
locations are determined from the ExtUtils::Config manpage, and they may be
individually overridden by using the 'install_path' attribute. An
'install_base' attribute lets you specify an alternative installation root
like _/home/foo_ and 'prefix' does something similar in a rather different
(and more complicated) way. 'destdir' lets you specify a temporary
installation directory like _/tmp/install_ in case you want to create
bundled-up installable packages.

The following types are supported by default.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 6
Media name core-release
Media arch armv7hl

Advanced items

Build time 2016-06-19 02:10:41
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