Package : wise2 > RPM : wise2-2.4.1-10.mga9.x86_64.rpm

Basic items

Name wise2
Version 2.4.1
Release 10.mga9
Group Sciences/Biology
Summary Comparisons of DNA and protein sequences
Size 9,609KB
Arch x86_64
License GPL


Wise2 is a package focused on comparisons of biopolymers, commonly DNA and
protein sequence. Wise2's particular forte is the comparison of DNA sequence
at the level of its protein translation. This comparison allows the
simultaneous prediction of say gene structure with homology based alignment.

The Wise2 package was principally written by Ewan Birney, who wrote the main
genewise and estwise programs. The protein comparison database search program
was written by Richard Copley using the underlying Wise2 libraries.
Wise2 also uses code from Sean Eddy for reading HMMs and
for Extreme value distribution fitting.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 9
Media name core-release
Media arch x86_64

Advanced items

Source RPM wise2-2.4.1-10.mga9.src.rpm
Build time 2022-03-17 16:52:47
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