Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
python-arviz Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models 0.18.0 1.mga10 2024-05-19
python-zarr An implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python 2.18.1 1.mga10 2024-05-19
python-xarray N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python 2024.05.0 1.mga10 2024-05-19
python-dm-tree Tree is a library for working with nested data structures 0.1.8 1.mga10 2024-05-19
cinnamon-control-center Utilities to configure the Cinnamon desktop 6.0.2 0.20240515git.4d9be89.1.mga10 2024-05-19
argtable2 A library for parsing GNU style command line arguments 13 16.mga10 2024-05-19
alltray Docks any application into the system tray 0.71b 15.mga10 2024-05-19
pngcrush Utility to compress PNG files 1.8.13 6.mga10 2024-05-19
performous Open-source karaoke game that allows user supplied songs 1.3.1 1.mga10 2024-05-19
pingus A free Lemmings clone 0.7.6 26.mga10 2024-05-19
warzone2100 Post-nuclear real-time strategy 4.4.2 2.mga10 2024-05-19
xqf Graphical server browser and launcher for popular FPS games 1.20210914.1.mga10 2024-05-19
opendungeons RTS game in dark, damp and dangerous dungeons 0.7.1 25.mga10 2024-05-19
noteye Necklace of the Eye (NotEye) - Frontend for roguelike games 8.3 9.mga10 2024-05-18
chromium-browser-stable A fast webkit-based web browser 125.0.6422.60 1.mga10.tainted 2024-05-18
wmspaceweather A space weather monitor which displays cosmic ray fluxes from the Sun 1.05 4.mga10 2024-05-18
yafaray A free open-source ray tracing render engine 3.5.1 13.mga10 2024-05-18
pcmanfm-qt File manager for the LXQt desktop 2.0.0 2.mga10 2024-05-18
libfm-qt Companion library for PCManFM 2.0.2 2.mga10 2024-05-18
nogravity Space shooter in 3D 2.00 6.mga10 2024-05-18
lordsawar Turn-based strategy game in a fantasy setting 0.3.2 4.mga10 2024-05-18
lxqt-admin Adjust settings of the operating system LXQt 2.0.0 2.mga10 2024-05-18
razergenie Configure and control your Razer devices 1.1.0 2.mga10 2024-05-18
openrazer-meta Driver and user-space daemon for managing Razer devices 3.8.0 2.mga10 2024-05-18
libopenrazer Qt wrapper around the D-Bus API from OpenRazer 0.2.0 2.mga10 2024-05-18
python-rpds-py Python bindings to Rust's persistent data structures (rpds) 0.18.1 1.mga10 2024-05-18
marknote A simple markdown note management app for KDE 1.2.0 1.mga10 2024-05-18
haruna Open source video player built with Qt/QML and libmpv 1.1.1 1.mga10 2024-05-18
svox-pico Text-To-Speech engine from Android project 20220603 4.mga10 2024-05-18
python-sqlparse Non-validating SQL parser 0.5.0 1.mga10 2024-05-18
python-pymongo Python driver for MongoDB 4.6.3 1.mga10 2024-05-18
stb stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++ 0 0.git20240213.2.mga10 2024-05-18
python-werkzeug The Swiss Army knife of Python web development 3.0.3 1.mga10 2024-05-18
djvulibre DjVu viewers, encoders and utilities 3.5.28 6.mga10 2024-05-18
gdk-pixbuf2.0 Image loading and manipulation library for GTK+ 2.42.12 1.mga10 2024-05-18
lincity-ng Lincity - A City Simulation Game 2.10.2 1.mga10 2024-05-17
maven-remote-resources-plugin Maven Remote Resources Plugin 3.1.0 2.mga10 2024-05-17
maven-verifier Apache Maven Verifier Component 2.0.0~M1 1.mga10 2024-05-17
maven-resolver Apache Maven Artifact Resolver library 1:1.9.18 3.mga10 2024-05-17
javacc A parser/scanner generator for java 0:7.0.13 1.mga10 2024-05-17
modello Modello Data Model toolkit 2.1.2 2.mga10 2024-05-17
plexus-velocity Plexus Velocity Component 2.0 1.mga10 2024-05-17
aria2 Download utility with resuming and segmented downloading 1.37.0 1.mga10 2024-05-17
tinyproxy Lightweight, non-caching, optionally anonymizing HTTP proxy 1.11.2 1.mga10 2024-05-17
python-apsw Another Python SQLite Wrapper 1.mga10 2024-05-17
python-flask-cors Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support for Flask 4.0.1 1.mga10 2024-05-17
thunderbird-l10n Localizations for Thunderbird (virtual package) 115.11.0 1.mga10 2024-05-17
etckeeper Store /etc in a SCM system (git, mercurial, brz or darcs) 1.18.21 1.mga10 2024-05-17
plexus-xml Plexus XML Utilities 3.0.0 1.mga10 2024-05-17
thunderbird Full-featured email, RSS, and newsgroup client 0:115.11.0 1.mga10 2024-05-17
1-50 of 16291.