Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
ktnef KTNEF - an API for handling TNEF data 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-04
akonadi-contacts Akonadi Contacts Integration 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-04
kldap LDAP access API for KDE 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-04
akonadi-search Libraries and daemons to implement searching in Akonadi 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-04
itinerary Itinerary display application 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kmailtransport Mail Transport Service 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
nheko Desktop client for the Matrix protocol 0.11.3 4.1.mga9 2024-03-03
kio-gdrive KIO Slave to access Google Drive 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
telepathy-kde-common-internals KDE Telepathy Parts 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kitinerary Library for handling Itinerary data 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
libkgapi Accessing various Google services via their public API 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kcalutils The KDE calendar utility library 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kaccounts-providers Additional service providers for KAccounts framework 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kdevelop-python Python plugin for KDevelop 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kdevelop-php PHP plugin for kdevelop 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
skanpage Utility to scan images and multi-page documents 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
falkon Cross-platform Qt Web Browser based on QtWebEngine 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
zanshin Getting Things Done application 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
skanlite An image scanning application 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
konversation A user friendly IRC Client for Plasma 5 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kosmindoormap OSM multi-floor indoor map renderer 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kontrast Color contrast checker 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
partitionmanager KDE Partition Manager 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
minuet A KDE Software for Music Education 2:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kigo Go board game for KDE 1:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kreversi Old reversi board game, also known as othello 1:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
konquest Conquer the planets of your enemy 1:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kcharselect Select special characters from any font 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
svgpart A SVG KPart 2:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kaccounts-integration Small system to administer web accounts across the KDE desktop 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
katomic Build complex atoms with a minimal amount of moves 1:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kate Advanced text editor 2:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kompare A diff graphic tool 1:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kdeedu-data Shared icons, artwork and data files for educational applications 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
ktimer KDE countdown launcher 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
okular A universal document viewer 2:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
print-manager Printing management for KDE 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
cantor KDE Interface for doing Mathematics and Scientific Computing 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kwordquiz A general purpose flash card program 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
poxml Xml2po and vice versa converters 1:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
klines Place 5 equal pieces together, but wait, there are 3 new ones 1:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
ark Program for managing various archive formats within the KDE environment 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kqtquickcharts QtQuick plugin to render beautiful and interactive charts 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
blinken Simon Says Game 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kidentitymanagement Manage PIM identity 23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
dolphin-plugins Plugins for dolphin 1:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kfourinline Place 4 pieces in a row 1:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
ksystemlog System log viewer tool for Plasma 2:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
lokalize Computer-Aided Translation Tool 1:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
kde-dev-utils K Desktop Environment - Software Development Kit 1:23.04.3 1.mga9 2024-03-03
251-300 of 1103.