Updates (security and bugfix)

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Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
prboom-server PrBooM game server 2.5.0 26.mga9 2024-02-01
monster Classic-style JRPG and prequel to Monster RPG 2 1.24 11.mga9 2024-02-01
curseofwar Fast-paced action strategy game with ncurses and SDL frontends 1.3.0 2.1.mga9 2024-02-01
naev 2D space trading and combat game 0.11.3 1.mga9 2024-02-01
pentobi Blokus board game with a component opponent 22.1 1.1.mga9 2024-01-31
unknown-horizons-data Game data for the unknown-horizons game 2019.1 9.1.mga9 2024-01-31
ultimatestunts Remake of the famous DOS-game Stunts 0.7.7 11.1.mga9 2024-01-31
yabinero Yet Another Binero Puzzle 1.68.0 1.mga9 2024-01-29
wizznic-data Arch-independent data files for the Wizznic game 1.1 1.mga9 2024-01-28
wizznic Brick-matching puzzle game 1.1 1.mga9 2024-01-28
godot-runner Shared binary to play games and run servers developed with the Godot engine 4.2.1 1.mga9 2023-12-12
godot-runner Shared binary to play games and run servers developed with the Godot engine 4.1.2 1.mga9 2023-10-12
godot3-runner Shared binary to play games developed with the Godot 3 game engine 3.5.3 1.mga9 2023-09-25
godot3-server Godot 3 headless runtime binary for hosting game servers 3.5.3 1.mga9 2023-09-25
flightgear-data The data for FlightGear Flight Simulator 2020.3.18 1.3.mga9 2023-09-22
flightgear The FlightGear Flight Simulator 2020.3.18 1.1.mga9 2023-09-20
lpairs2 Classical memory game with cards 2.3 1.mga9 2023-08-31
51-67 of 67.
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