Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
antlr3-javascript Javascript run-time support for ANTLR-generated parsers 1:3.1 22.mga9 2022-12-09
antlr3-tool ANother Tool for Language Recognition 1:3.5.3 22.mga9 2022-12-09
javapackages-bootstrap-openjdk8 OpenJDK 8 toolchain for Java Packages Bootstrap 1.7.1 4.mga9 2022-12-09
javapackages-bootstrap A means of bootstrapping Java Packages Tools 1.7.1 4.mga9 2022-12-09
byteman Java agent-based bytecode injection tool 4.0.16 1.mga9 2022-12-09
byteman-bmunit TestNG and JUnit integration for Byteman 4.0.16 1.mga9 2022-12-09
byteman-dtest Remote byteman instrumented testing 4.0.16 1.mga9 2022-12-09
byteman-javadoc Javadoc for byteman 4.0.16 1.mga9 2022-12-09
byteman-rulecheck-maven-plugin Maven plugin for checking Byteman rules 4.0.16 1.mga9 2022-12-09
parallel A shell tool for executing jobs in parallel 20221122 1.mga9 2022-12-09
libosgxr-devel Development files for the osgXR library 0.5.1 2.mga9 2022-12-09
libosgxr6 The osgXR library 0.5.1 2.mga9 2022-12-09
libopenxr-devel Headers and development files of the OpenXR library 1.0.26 1.mga9 2022-12-09
libopenxr1 Libraries for writing VR and AR software 1.0.26 1.mga9 2022-12-09
openxr An API for writing VR and AR software 1.0.26 1.mga9 2022-12-09
nvtop GPU process monitoring for AMD, Intel and NVIDIA 3.0.1 1.mga9 2022-12-09
libcgal-devel Development files and tools for CGAL applications 5.5.1 1.mga9 2022-12-09
libcgal-qt-devel Development files and tools for CGAL applications using Qt 5 5.5.1 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jakarta-server-pages Jakarta Server Pages (JSP) 2.3.6 3.mga9 2022-12-09
jakarta-server-pages-api Jakarta Server Pages (JSP) API 2.3.6 3.mga9 2022-12-09
jakarta-server-pages-javadoc Javadoc for jakarta-server-pages 2.3.6 3.mga9 2022-12-09
jnr-ffi Java Abstracted Foreign Function Layer 2.2.12 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jnr-ffi-javadoc Javadocs for jnr-ffi 2.2.12 1.mga9 2022-12-09
maven-shade-plugin Maven plugin for packaging artifacts in an uber-jar 3.3.0 1.mga9 2022-12-09
maven-shade-plugin-javadoc API documentation for maven-shade-plugin 3.3.0 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jnr-x86asm Pure-java port of asmjit 1.0.2 16.mga9 2022-12-09
jnr-x86asm-javadoc Javadoc for jnr-x86asm 1.0.2 16.mga9 2022-12-09
jffi-javadoc Javadoc for jffi 1.3.9 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jffi Java Foreign Function Interface 1.3.9 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jffi-native jffi JAR with native bits 1.3.9 1.mga9 2022-12-09
joni Java port of Oniguruma regexp library 1:2.1.43 1.mga9 2022-12-09
joni-javadoc API documentation for joni 1:2.1.43 1.mga9 2022-12-09
commons-compiler Commons Compiler 3.1.7 1.mga9 2022-12-09
commons-compiler-jdk Commons Compiler JDK 3.1.7 1.mga9 2022-12-09
janino Super-small, super-fast Java compiler 3.1.7 1.mga9 2022-12-09
janino-javadoc API documentation for janino 3.1.7 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jansi-native-javadoc Javadocs for jansi-native 1.8 4.mga9 2022-12-09
jansi-native Jansi Native implements the JNI Libraries used by the Jansi project 1.8 4.mga9 2022-12-09
jcip-annotations Java annotations for multithreaded software 1.0 30.20060626.2.mga9 2022-12-09
jcip-annotations-javadoc Javadoc for jcip-annotations 1.0 30.20060626.2.mga9 2022-12-09
jline Java library for handling console input 3.21.0 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jline-builtins JLine builtins 3.21.0 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jline-console JLine console 3.21.0 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jline-javadoc Javadocs for jline 3.21.0 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jline-reader JLine reader 3.21.0 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jline-remote-ssh JLine remote SSH 3.21.0 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jline-remote-telnet JLine remote telnet 3.21.0 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jline-style JLine style 3.21.0 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jline-terminal JLine terminal 3.21.0 1.mga9 2022-12-09
jline-terminal-jansi JLine terminal with JANSI 3.21.0 1.mga9 2022-12-09
15951-16000 of 30369.