Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
nbs-server Network Broadcast Sound Daemon 1.0 0.20040615.9.mga9 2022-03-15
nagios-check_iax A Nagios plugin to check IAX/IAX2 devices 1.0.0 12.mga9 2022-03-15
mpgtx Manipulate tags, split, join, demultiplex, and fetch information on MPEG files 1.3.1 16.mga9 2022-03-15
mp_doccer C source code documentation generator 1.2.2 4.mga9 2022-03-15
mpage A tool for printing multiple pages of text on each printed page 2.5.7 4.mga9 2022-03-15
mozilla-filesystem Mozilla filesystem layout 1.9 10.mga9 2022-03-15
mmv Move/copy/append/link multiple files 1.01b 20.mga9 2022-03-15
mcpp-manual Documentation for mcpp 2.7.2 15.mga9 2022-03-15
ml85p Driver for the Samsung ML-85G and QL-85G winprinters 0.2.0 16.mga9 2022-03-15
mingetty A compact getty program for virtual consoles only 1.08 15.mga9 2022-03-15
microcode_ctl Intel / AMD CPU Microcode Utility 2.1 11.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64mcpp-devel Development files for mcpp 2.7.2 15.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64mcpp-static-devel Static development files for mcpp 2.7.2 15.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64mcpp0 Libraries for mcpp 2.7.2 15.mga9 2022-03-15
mcpp Alternative C/C++ preprocessor 2.7.2 15.mga9 2022-03-15
m2vrequantizer Requantizes MPEG-2 streams 20030929 12.mga9 2022-03-15
mac-robber Tool to create a timeline of file activity for mounted file systems 1.02 9.mga9 2022-03-15
lxsplit Tool for splitting and joining files on command line 0.2.4 10.mga9 2022-03-15
lpsolve A Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver 5.mga9 2022-03-15
lpsolve-devel Files for developing with lpsolve 5.mga9 2022-03-15
lslk A lock file lister 1.29 22.mga9 2022-03-15
lockrun Ensures that another instance of the same command is not already running 1.1.3 5.mga9 2022-03-15
lm1100 Linux Lexmark 1000/1100 Printer Driver 1.0.2a 23.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64sidplay-devel Libraries and include files for developing libsidplay applications 1.36.60 11.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64sidplay1 A Commodore 64 music player and SID chip emulator library 1.36.60 11.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64pcd-devel Development related files of libpcd 1.0.1 17.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64pcd2 Library for decoding PhotoCD images 1.0.1 17.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64nut-devel Development files for NUT Multimedia Container Library 0.0.675 11.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64nut0 NUT Multimedia Container Library 0.0.675 11.mga9 2022-03-15
libnut-utils NUT Multimedia Container Utilities 0.0.675 11.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64nova-devel Development files for libnova 0.15.0 8.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64nova0.15_0 Library files for libnova 0.15.0 8.mga9 2022-03-15
libnova General purpose astronomy & astrodynamics library 0.15.0 8.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64newmat-devel Development files for libnewmat 10E 4.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64newmat1 C++ library for manipulating matrices 10E 4.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64mpcdec-devel Header files and static libraries from libmpcdec 1.2.6 20.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64mpcdec5 Dynamic libraries from libmpcdec 1.2.6 20.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64milter-static-devel Libmilter and a pool of threads 8.14.3_1 13.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64lettertree-devel Development files for liblettertree 0.1 16.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64lettertree0 A letter tree data structure 0.1 16.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64gssglue-devel Static library and header files for the libgssapi library 0.4 11.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64gssglue1 A mechanism-switch gssapi library 0.4 11.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64eot-devel Development files for libeot 0.01 9.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64eot0 A library for parsing Embedded OpenType font files 0.01 9.mga9 2022-03-15
libeot-tools Tools to transform EOT font files into other formats 0.01 9.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64discid-devel A Library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs 0.6.2 4.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64discid0 A Library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs 0.6.2 4.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64divecomputer-devel Header files and development libraries for libdivecomputer 0.6.0 4.mga9 2022-03-15
lib64divecomputer0 Libraries for libdivecomputer 0.6.0 4.mga9 2022-03-15
libdivecomputer Library for communication with dive computers 0.6.0 4.mga9 2022-03-15
29951-30000 of 30398.