Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
sssd-ldap The LDAP back end of the SSSD 2.8.2 2.1.mga9 2024-05-13
sssd-nfs-idmap SSSD plug-in for NFSv4 rpc.idmapd 2.8.2 2.1.mga9 2024-05-13
sssd-proxy The proxy back end of the SSSD 2.8.2 2.1.mga9 2024-05-13
sssd-tools Userspace tools for use with the SSSD 2.8.2 2.1.mga9 2024-05-13
sssd-winbind-idmap SSSD's idmap_sss Backend for Winbind 2.8.2 2.1.mga9 2024-05-13
tcpdump A network traffic monitoring tool 2:4.99.4 1.1.mga9 2024-05-13
vim-X11 The VIM version of the vi editor for the X Window System 9.1.411 1.mga9 2024-05-13
vim-enhanced A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements 9.1.411 1.mga9 2024-05-13
vim-minimal A minimal version of the VIM editor 9.1.411 1.mga9 2024-05-13
ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter and renderer (Main executable) 10.00.0 6.5.mga9 2024-05-13
ghostscript-X PostScript/PDF interpreter and renderer (with X11 screen display) 10.00.0 6.5.mga9 2024-05-13
ghostscript-common PostScript/PDF interpreter and renderer (Common files) 10.00.0 6.5.mga9 2024-05-13
ghostscript-doc Documentation for GhostScript 10.00.0 6.5.mga9 2024-05-13
ghostscript-dvipdf PostScript/PDF interpreter and renderer (DVI-to-PDF converter) 10.00.0 6.5.mga9 2024-05-13
ghostscript-module-X PostScript/PDF interpreter and renderer (Additional support for X) 10.00.0 6.5.mga9 2024-05-13
lib64gs-devel Headers and links to compile against the "lib64gs10" library 10.00.0 6.5.mga9 2024-05-13
lib64gs10 PostScript/PDF interpreter and renderer (GhostScript shared library) 10.00.0 6.5.mga9 2024-05-13
lib64ijs-devel Headers and links for compiling against the "lib64ijs1" library 0.35 173.5.mga9 2024-05-13
lib64ijs1 Dynamic library for the IJS printer driver plug-in interface 0.35 173.5.mga9 2024-05-13
glibc-doc GNU C library documentation 6:2.36 54.mga9 2024-05-07
glibc-i18ndata Database sources for 'locale' 6:2.36 54.mga9 2024-05-07
glibc-static-devel Static libraries for GNU C library 6:2.36 54.mga9 2024-05-07
glibc-utils Development utilities from GNU C library 6:2.36 54.mga9 2024-05-07
glibc The GNU libc libraries 6:2.36 54.mga9 2024-05-07
glibc-devel Header and object files for development using standard C libraries 6:2.36 54.mga9 2024-05-07
glibc-profile The GNU libc libraries, including support for gprof profiling 6:2.36 54.mga9 2024-05-07
nscd A Name Service Caching Daemon (nscd) 6:2.36 54.mga9 2024-05-07
java-1.8.0-openjdk-javadoc-zip OpenJDK 8 API documentation compressed in a single archive 1: 1.mga9 2024-05-06
lib64xml2-devel Libraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applications 2.10.4 1.3.mga9 2024-05-06
lib64xml2_2 Shared libraries providing XML and HTML support 2.10.4 1.3.mga9 2024-05-06
libxml2-python3 Python bindings for the libxml2 library 2.10.4 1.3.mga9 2024-05-06
libxml2-utils Utilities to manipulate XML files 2.10.4 1.3.mga9 2024-05-06
gnome-shell-extension-appindicator AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem support for GNOME Shell 53 1.1.mga9 2024-05-04
mock-mageia-configs Extra configs for Mageia for Mock 9 1.1.mga9 2024-05-04
mock-core-configs Mock core config files basic chroots 39.1 2.2.mga9 2024-05-04
tpm2-tools A bunch of TPM testing toolS build upon tpm2-tss 5.5.1 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tpm2-tss-devel Development package for tpm2-tss 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-esys0 TPM2 Enhanced System API library 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-fapi1 TPM2 Feature API library 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-mu0 TPM2 type marshaling and unmarshaling library 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-policy0 TPM2 Feature API library 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-rc0 TPM2 error decoding library 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-sys1 TPM2.0 Software Stack 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-tcti-cmd0 TCTI library for communicating with a subproccess that can communicate with the TPM 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-tcti-device0 TCTI library for communicating with a TPM device node 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-tcti-mssim0 TCTI library for communicating with the Microsoft TPM2 simulator 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-tcti-pcap0 TCTI library for debugging at the TCTI interface 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-tcti-spi-helper0 TCTI library for communicating with spi helper 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-tcti-swtpm0 TCTI library for communicating with swtpm 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
lib64tss2-tctildr0 Library to simplify management of TCTIs 4.0.2 1.mga9 2024-05-04
901-950 of 7206.