Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
firefox-uk Ukrainian interface for Firefox 102.10.0 1.mga8 2023-04-10
firefox-ur Urdu interface for Firefox 102.10.0 1.mga8 2023-04-10
firefox-uz Uzbek interface for Firefox 102.10.0 1.mga8 2023-04-10
firefox-vi Vietnamese interface for Firefox 102.10.0 1.mga8 2023-04-10
firefox-xh Xhosa interface for Firefox 102.10.0 1.mga8 2023-04-10
firefox-zh_CN Simplified Chinese interface for Firefox 102.10.0 1.mga8 2023-04-10
firefox-zh_TW Traditional Chinese interface for Firefox 102.10.0 1.mga8 2023-04-10
mediawiki A wiki engine 1.35.10 1.mga8 2023-04-10
mediawiki-mysql Mediawiki with mysql database 1.35.10 1.mga8 2023-04-10
mediawiki-pgsql Mediawiki with postgresql database 1.35.10 1.mga8 2023-04-10
mediawiki-sqlite Mediawiki with sqlite database 1.35.10 1.mga8 2023-04-10
firefox Mozilla Firefox Web browser 0:102.10.0 1.mga8 2023-04-10
golang The Go Programming Language 1.19.8 1.mga8 2023-04-09
golang-bin Golang core compiler tools 1.19.8 1.mga8 2023-04-09
golang-docs Golang compiler docs 1.19.8 1.mga8 2023-04-09
golang-misc Golang compiler miscellaneous sources 1.19.8 1.mga8 2023-04-09
golang-race Golang std library with -race enabled 1.19.8 1.mga8 2023-04-09
golang-shared Golang shared object libraries 1.19.8 1.mga8 2023-04-09
golang-src Golang compiler source tree 1.19.8 1.mga8 2023-04-09
golang-tests Golang compiler tests for stdlib 1.19.8 1.mga8 2023-04-09
lib64heif-devel Development files for libheif 1.10.0 1.2.mga8.tainted 2023-04-09
lib64heif1 Shared libraries for libheif 1.10.0 1.2.mga8.tainted 2023-04-09
libheif libheif is a ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file format decoder and encoder 1.10.0 1.2.mga8.tainted 2023-04-09
lib64heif-devel Development files for libheif 1.10.0 1.2.mga8 2023-04-09
lib64heif1 Shared libraries for libheif 1.10.0 1.2.mga8 2023-04-09
libheif libheif is a ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file format decoder and encoder 1.10.0 1.2.mga8 2023-04-09
apache-doc The apache Manual 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache The most widely used Web server on the Internet 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-devel Module development tools for the apache web server 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-htcacheclean Clean up the disk cache (for apache-mod_disk_cache) 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-mod_brotli Google Brotli compression for apache 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-mod_cache Content cache keyed to URIs 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-mod_dav Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-mod_dbd Manages SQL database connections 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-mod_http2 This module provides HTTP/2 (RFC 7540) support 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-mod_ldap LDAP connection pooling and result caching DSO:s 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-mod_proxy HTTP/1.1 proxy/gateway server 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-mod_proxy_html HTML and XML content filters for the Apache HTTP Server 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-mod_session Session interface for the Apache HTTP Server 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-mod_ssl Strong cryptography using the SSL and TLS protocols 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-mod_suexec Allows CGI scripts to run as a specified user and Group 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
apache-mod_userdir User-specific directories 2.4.57 1.mga8 2023-04-07
ceph-fuse Ceph fuse-based client 15.2.17 1.mga8 2023-04-07
ceph-immutable-object-cache Ceph daemon for immutable object cache 15.2.17 1.mga8 2023-04-07
ceph-mds Ceph Object Storage Daemon 15.2.17 1.mga8 2023-04-07
ceph-mgr Ceph Manager Daemon 15.2.17 1.mga8 2023-04-07
ceph-mon Ceph Monitor Daemon 15.2.17 1.mga8 2023-04-07
ceph A scalable distributed storage file system 15.2.17 1.mga8 2023-04-07
ceph-osd Ceph Monitor Daemon 15.2.17 1.mga8 2023-04-07
ceph-radosgw Rados REST gateway 15.2.17 1.mga8 2023-04-07
2451-2500 of 21306.