Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
radare2-cutter A Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework 1.9.0 1.1.mga7 2020-01-04
libradare2-devel Development package for radare2 3.9.0 1.mga7 2020-01-04
libradare2_3.9.0 Reverse engineering framework and commandline tools security 3.9.0 1.mga7 2020-01-04
radare2 Reverse engineering framework and commandline tools security 3.9.0 1.mga7 2020-01-04
dia A gtk+ based diagram creation program 0.97.3 8.1.mga7 2020-01-04
ktouch-handbook Ktouch handbook 19.04.0 1.1.mga7 2020-01-04
libminuetinterfaces-devel Devel stuff for minuet 2:19.04.0 1.1.mga7 2020-01-04
libminuetinterfaces0 This lib manages sieve support 2:19.04.0 1.1.mga7 2020-01-04
minuet A KDE Software for Music Education 2:19.04.0 1.1.mga7 2020-01-04
ktouch A program for learning touch typing 19.04.0 1.1.mga7 2020-01-04
libopensc6 Library for accessing SmartCard devices 0.20.0 1.mga7 2020-01-04
libopensc-devel Development related files for opensc 0.20.0 1.mga7 2020-01-04
libsmm-local6 Secure Messaging 'local' module for OpenSC 0.20.0 1.mga7 2020-01-04
opensc Library for accessing SmartCard devices 0.20.0 1.mga7 2020-01-04
openscad The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller 2019.05 1.mga7 2020-01-04
rpm-mageia-setup The Mageia rpm configuration and scripts 2.39.2 1.mga7 2020-01-03
rpm-mageia-setup-build The Mageia rpm configuration and scripts to build rpms 2.39.2 1.mga7 2020-01-03
cargo-doc Documentation for Cargo 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
rust-debugger-common Common debugger pretty printers for Rust 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
rust-gdb GDB pretty printers for Rust 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
rust-lldb LLDB pretty printers for Rust 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
rust-src Sources for the Rust standard library 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
cargo Rust's package manager and build tool 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
clippy Lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
rls Rust Language Server for IDE integration 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
rust The Rust Programming Language 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
rust-analysis Compiler analysis data for the Rust standard library 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
rust-doc Documentation for Rust 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
rust-std-static Standard library for Rust 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
rustfmt Tool to find and fix Rust formatting issues 1.40.0 1.mga7 2020-01-01
xfburn A simple CD burning tool for the Xfce Desktop Environment 0.6.1 1.mga7 2019-12-31
clementine A cross-platform music player based on Amarok 1.4 1.3.1 10.git20191016.1.1.mga7 2019-12-30
libxml2-devel Libraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applications 2.9.9 2.1.mga7 2019-12-30
libxml2-python Python bindings for the libxml2 library 2.9.9 2.1.mga7 2019-12-30
libxml2-python3 Python bindings for the libxml2 library 2.9.9 2.1.mga7 2019-12-30
libxml2-utils Utilities to manipulate XML files 2.9.9 2.1.mga7 2019-12-30
libxml2_2 Shared libraries providing XML and HTML support 2.9.9 2.1.mga7 2019-12-30
darktable Open source photography workflow application and RAW developer 2.6.3 1.mga7 2019-12-30
perl-URPM Librpm perl bindings for urpmi 5.23 1.mga7 2019-12-30
git Fast and distributed version control system 1:2.21.1 1.1.mga7 2019-12-29
git-arch Git tools for importing Arch repositories 1:2.21.1 1.1.mga7 2019-12-29
git-core Global Information Tracker 1:2.21.1 1.1.mga7 2019-12-29
git-core-oldies Git obsolete commands, bound to extinction 1:2.21.1 1.1.mga7 2019-12-29
git-cvs Git tools for importing CVS repositories 1:2.21.1 1.1.mga7 2019-12-29
git-email Git tools for sending email 1:2.21.1 1.1.mga7 2019-12-29
git-prompt Shows the current git branch in your bash prompt 1:2.21.1 1.1.mga7 2019-12-29
git-subtree Git subtree command 1:2.21.1 1.1.mga7 2019-12-29
git-svn Git tools for importing Subversion repositories 1:2.21.1 1.1.mga7 2019-12-29
gitk Git revision tree visualiser 1:2.21.1 1.1.mga7 2019-12-29
gitweb cgi-bin script for browse a git repository with web browsers 1:2.21.1 1.1.mga7 2019-12-29
12001-12050 of 16769.