Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
jetty-websocket-api websocket-api module for Jetty 9.4.6 1.v20170531.1.1.mga6 2017-08-15
jetty-websocket-client websocket-client module for Jetty 9.4.6 1.v20170531.1.1.mga6 2017-08-15
jetty-websocket-common websocket-common module for Jetty 9.4.6 1.v20170531.1.1.mga6 2017-08-15
jetty-websocket-server websocket-server module for Jetty 9.4.6 1.v20170531.1.1.mga6 2017-08-15
jetty-websocket-servlet websocket-servlet module for Jetty 9.4.6 1.v20170531.1.1.mga6 2017-08-15
jetty-xml xml module for Jetty 9.4.6 1.v20170531.1.1.mga6 2017-08-15
dkms-nvidia-current NVIDIA kernel module for GeForce 420 and later cards 384.59 1.mga6.nonfree 2017-08-15
nvidia-current-cuda-opencl CUDA and OpenCL libraries for NVIDIA proprietary driver 384.59 1.mga6.nonfree 2017-08-15
nvidia-current-devel NVIDIA OpenGL/CUDA development liraries and headers 384.59 1.mga6.nonfree 2017-08-15
nvidia-current-doc-html NVIDIA html documentation (nvidia-current) 384.59 1.mga6.nonfree 2017-08-15
x11-driver-video-nvidia-current NVIDIA proprietary X.org driver and libraries for GeForce 420 and later cards 384.59 1.mga6.nonfree 2017-08-15
ldetect-lst Hardware list for the light detection library 1.mga6 2017-08-15
ldetect-lst-devel Devel for ldetect-lst 1.mga6 2017-08-15
claws-mail The user-friendly, lightweight and fast GTK2 based email client 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-acpi-plugin This plugin enables mail notification via LEDs on some laptops 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-address_keeper-plugin claws-mail plugin keeps all recipient addresses in an addressbook folder 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-archive-plugin Archiver plugin for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-att_remover-plugin This plugin for claws-mail enables the removal of attachments 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-attachwarner-plugin This plugin for claws-mail enables attachwarner 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-bogofilter-plugin Bogofilter plugin for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-bsfilter-plugin This plugin enables spam fitering through bsfilter 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-clamd-plugin claws-mail plugin to enable scanning all received messages 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-devel Development files for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-fancy-plugin This plugin renders HTML e-mails through WebKit 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-fetchinfo-plugin This plugin inserts headers containing some download information 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-gdata-plugin Gmail contacts plugin for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-libravatar-plugin Libravatar plugin for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin This plugin provides direct access to mbox folders 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-managesieve-plugin ManageSieve plugin for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-newmail-plugin This plugin can write a summary to a log file 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-notification-plugin This plugin notify from new mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-pdf_viewer-plugin claws-mail plugin to handle PDF attachments 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-perl-plugin Perl interface to claws-mails' filtering mechanism 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-pgpcore-plugin PGP core plugin for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-pgpinline-plugin PGP/Inline plugin for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-pgpmime-plugin PGP/MIME plugin for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-plugins Plugins for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-python-plugin Python scriptin access to claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-rssyl-plugin This plugin allows you to read your favorite newsfeeds in claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-smime-plugin S/Mime plugin for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-spam_report-plugin This plugin for claws-mail enables spamreport 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-spamassassin-plugin Spamassassin-plugin for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-tools Extra tools for claws-mail 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-vcalendar-plugin This plugin for claws-mail enables vCalendar message handling 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
claws-mail-vcalendar-plugin-devel This plugin for claws-mail install the vcalendar plugin headers 1:3.15.0 4.1.mga6 2017-08-14
lib64systemd0 Systemd library package 230 12.1.mga6 2017-08-14
lib64udev-devel udev library development files 230 12.1.mga6 2017-08-14
lib64udev1 udev library package 230 12.1.mga6 2017-08-14
systemd-devel Systemd development files 230 12.1.mga6 2017-08-14
systemd-units Configuration files, directories and installation tool for systemd 230 12.1.mga6 2017-08-14
13151-13200 of 14095.