Package : perl-XML-RSS-Parser

Package details

Summary: An object representing a

XML::RSS::Parser is a lightweight liberal parser of RSS feeds. This parser
is "liberal" in that it does not demand compliance of a specific RSS
version and will attempt to gracefully handle tags it does not expect or
understand. The parser's only requirements is that the file is well-formed
XML and remotely resembles RSS. Roughly speaking, well formed XML with a
'channel' element as a direct sibling or the root tag and 'item' elements

There are a number of advantages to using this module then just using a
standard parser-tree combination. There are a number of different RSS
formats in use today. In very subtle ways these formats are not entirely
compatible from one to another. XML::RSS::Parser makes a couple assumptions
to "normalize" the parse tree into a more consistent form. For instance, it
forces 'channel' and 'item' into a parent-child relationship. For more
detail see the SPECIAL PROCESSING NOTES manpage.

This module is leaner then the XML::RSS manpage -- the majority of code was
for generating RSS files. It also provides a XPath-esque interface to the
feed's tree.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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