Package : perl-Net-SMTP-TLS-ButMaintained

Package details

Summary: An SMTP client supporting TLS and AUTH

*Net::SMTP::TLS::ButMaintained* is forked from the Net::SMTP::TLS manpage.
blame 'Evan Carroll' for the idea. :)

*Net::SMTP::TLS::ButMaintained* is a TLS and AUTH capable SMTP client which
offers an interface that users will find familiar from the Net::SMTP
manpage. *Net::SMTP::TLS::ButMaintained* implements a subset of the methods
provided by that module, but certainly not (yet) a complete mirror image of
that API.

The methods supported by *Net::SMTP::TLS::ButMaintained* are used in the
above example. Though self explanatory for the most part, please see the
perldoc for the Net::SMTP manpage if you are unclear.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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