Package : perl-Test-Roo

Package details

Summary: Test::Roo examples

This module allows you to compose the Test::More manpage tests from roles.
It is inspired by the excellent the Test::Routine manpage module, but uses
the Moo manpage instead of the Moose manpage. This gives most of the
benefits without the need for the Moose manpage as a test dependency.

Test files are Moo classes. You can define any needed test fixtures as Moo
attributes. You define tests as method modifiers -- similar in concept to
'subtest' in the Test::More manpage, but your test method will be passed
the test object for access to fixture attributes. You may compose any the
Moo::Role manpage into your test to define attributes, require particular
methods, or define tests.

This means that you can isolate test _behaviors_ into roles which require
certain test _fixtures_ in order to run. Your main test file will provide
the fixtures and compose the roles to run. This makes it easy to reuse test

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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