Package : perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-DynamicPrereqs

Package details

Summary: Specify dynamic (user-side) prerequisites for your distribution

This is a the Dist::Zilla manpage plugin that inserts code into your
_Makefile.PL_ to indicate dynamic (installer-side) prerequisites.

Code is inserted immediately after the declarations for
'%WriteMakefileArgs' and '%FallbackPrereqs', before they are conditionally
modified (when an older the ExtUtils::MakeMaker manpage is installed). This
gives you an opportunity to add to the 'WriteMakefile' arguments:
'PREREQ_PM', 'BUILD_REQUIRES', and 'TEST_REQUIRES', and therefore modify
the prerequisites in the user's _MYMETA.yml_ and _MYMETA.json_ based on
conditions found on the user's system.

The 'dynamic_config' field in CPAN::Meta::Spec/dynamic_config is already
set for you.

License: GPLv1+ or Artistic

Maintainer: kekepower

List of RPMs