Package : netcdf-cxx4

Package details

Summary: Appell's implementation of the C++ interface to netcdf

The Appel's C++ implementation of netCDF-4 can be used as an
alternative to the older netCDF-3 C++ interface, to write
classic-format netCDF-3 files as well as netCDF-4 classic model
files. The new API is implemented as a layer over the netCDF-4 C
interface, which means bug fixes and performance enhancements in the C
interface will be immediately available to C++ developers as well. It
replaces a previous partial netCDF-4 C++ interface developed by Shanna

The new API makes use of standard C++ features such as namespaces,
exceptions, and templates, none of which were included in the first
netCDF-3 C++ API developed in the mid-90's. The earlier netCDF-3 C++
API is still supported and available in the source distribution, but
developers who are thinking of eventually upgrading to use of the
enhanced data model should consider using the present API.

License: NetCDF

Maintainer: nobody

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