Package : cups-drivers-ptouch

Package details

Summary: CUPS/foomatic driver for Brother P-touch label printers

The ptouch-driver consists of a CUPS raster filter for driving the family of
Brother P-touch label printers.

This package contains CUPS foomatic drivers for the following printers:
PT-1500PC, PT-18R, PT-1950VP, PT-1950, PT-1960, PT-2300,
PT-2420PC, PT-2430PC, PT-2450DX, PT-2500PC, PT-2600, PT-2610,
PT-3600, PT-550A, PT-P710BT, PT-9200DX, PT-9200PC, PT-9400,
PT-9500PC, PT-9600, PT-9700PC, PT-E550W, PT-P300BT, PT-P700,
PT-P900W, PT-P950NW, PT-PC, QL-500, QL-550, QL-570, QL-650TD,
QL-700, QL-800, QL-810W, QL-820NWB

License: GPLv2+

Maintainer: solbu

List of RPMs