Package : golang-github-shurcool-highlight-diff

Package details

Summary: Syntax highlighter for diff format


highlight_diff provides syntaxhighlight.Printer and syntaxhighlight.Annotator
implementations for diff format. It implements intra-block character-level
inner diff highlighting.

BuildRequires: go-rpm-macros
ExclusiveArch: i386 i486 i586 i686 pentium3 pentium4 athlon k6 x86_64 armv3l armv4b armv4l armv4tl armv5tl armv5tel armv5tejl armv6l armv6hl armv7l armv7hl armv7hnl armv8l armv8hl armv8hnl armv8hcnl aarch64 ppc64le s390x mips mipsel mipsr6 mipsr6el mips64 mips64el mips64r6 mips64r6el

License: MIT

Maintainer: pterjan

List of RPMs