Package : proxytoys

Package details

Summary: An implementation neutral API for creation of dynamic proxies

ProxyToys provides a collection of toys acting as factories for
creating "special" proxies such as:

* Decorators - for simple AOP-like chained method interception
* Delegates - for method invocation on a delegate object,
that might have different type
* Dispatcher proxy - single proxy instance dispatching method
calls to different object with separate types
* Echo proxy - for tracing method calls
* Failover objects - fails over to a next object in case of
* Hot swapping proxy - allows implementation hiding that
can be swapped, and mutual dependencies
* Multicasting objects - for multicasting a method invocation
to multiple objects
* Null objects - for default implementations of classes that
do nothing at all
* Pool - for a pool implementation with proxied objects that
return automatically to the pool

License: BSD

Maintainer: neoclust

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