Package : perl-Sub-Talisman-Struct

Package details

Summary: The spawn of MooX-Struct and Sub-Talisman

the MooX::Struct manpage creates light-weight objects which can have
required attributes, type constraints, etc. the Sub::Talisman manpage
allows you to associate data with subs. This module is a bit of glue
between MooX::Struct and Sub::Talisman.

The import routine uses the same syntax as the MooX::Struct manpage, but
instead of creating struct-like classes for you to use, it creates
struct-like classes for Sub::Talisman to bless attribute parameters into.

Sub::Talisman::Struct itself is a subclass of Sub::Talisman, so inherits
the 'get_attributes', 'get_attribute_parameters', 'get_subs' and
'setup_for' methods as documented.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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