Package : perl-Net-Google-Code

Package details

Summary: Simple client library for projects hosted in Google Code

Net::Google::Code is a simple client library for projects hosted in Google

Since 0.15, Net::Google::Code offers google's official issues api support.
Besides the new 'Net::Google::Code::Issue::list',
'Net::Google::Code::Issue::Comment::list' and
<Net::Googlel::Code::Issue::load_comments> methods, which use the api from
start, you can set '$Net::Google::Code::Issue::USE_HYBRID' to true to load,
create and update issue with the api too.

But the official api is not function complete yet( e.g. no attachment
support, can't merge, etc. ), Net::Google::Code will back to the scraping
way to accomplish those stuff.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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