Package : mycila-xmltool

Package details

Summary: Very simple Java library to do common operations with an XML document

XMLTool is a very simple Java library to be able to do all sorts of common
operations with an XML document. As a Java developer, I often end up writing
the always the same code for processing XML, transforming, ... So i decided to
put all in a very easy to use class using the Fluent Interface pattern to
facilitate XML manipulations.
* Create new XML documents from external sources or new document from scrash
* Manage namespaces
* Manipulating nodes (add, remove, rename)
* Manipulating data (add, remove text or CDATA)
* Navigate into the document with shortcuts and XPath (note: XPath supports namespaces)
* Tranform an XMlDoc instance to a String or a Document
* Validate your document against schemas
* Executin callbacks on a hierarchy
* Remove all namspaces (namespace ignoring)
* ... and a lot of other features !

License: ASL 2.0 MIT

Maintainer: daviddavid

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