Package : perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-JSON

Package details

Summary: Validate a META.json file within a CPAN distribution

Validation of the META.json file in a CPAN distribution.

This module was written to ensure that a META.json file, provided with a
standard distribution uploaded to CPAN, meets the specifications that are
slowly being introduced to module uploads, via the use of package makers and
installers such as ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build and Module::Install.

Current CPAN META Specification, 2.0, was finally approved in April 2010,
which forms the basis for the contents of a META.json file. The full
specification is now included with the CPAN-Meta distribution.

Maintainer: sander85

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-JSON using the current filters, try other values.