Package : perl-XML-Grove

Package details

Summary: Provides the information set of parsed XML/HTML/SGML trees

The XML::Grove Perl module provides simple access to the information
set of parsed XML, HTML, or SGML instances using a tree of Perl
hashes. This package also includes several extensions to XML::Grove
that provide the following:

- returning element contents as a string
- returning element contents as XML, HTML, or Canonical XML
- processing entire groves using the visitor pattern
- processing entire groves using PerlSAX
- running a filter over all nodes in the grove
- substituting values into an XML template grove
- indexing a grove by ID or other attributes
- accessing elements and objects via URL-like paths
- create grove objects using an easy shorthand

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for perl-XML-Grove using the current filters, try other values.