Package : perl-Text-Transliterator

Package details

Summary: Compile a transliterator from Unicode tables, to remove accents from text

This package is a simple wrapper around Perl's transliteration operator
'tr/../../..'. Starting either from two strings of characters, or from a
map of characters, it will compile a function that applies the
transliteration to any list of strings.

This does very little work, and therefore would barely merit a module on
its own; it was written mainly for serving as a base package for
Text::Transliterator::Unaccent. However, in some situations it may be
useful in its own right, since Perl has no construct similar to 'qr/.../'
for "compiling" a transliteration. As a matter of fact, the 'tr/../../'
documentation says "if you want to use variables, you must use an eval()"
... which is what the present module does, albeit in a somewhat more
controlled way.

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for perl-Text-Transliterator using the current filters, try other values.