Package : perl-Test-Pod-LinkCheck

Package details

Summary: Tests POD for invalid links

This module looks for any links in your POD and verifies that they point to
a valid resource. It uses the Pod::Simple parser to analyze the
pod files and look at their links. In a nutshell, it looks for 'L<Foo>'
links and makes sure that Foo exists. It also recognizes section links,
'L</SYNOPSIS>' for example. Also, manpages are resolved and checked.

This module does *NOT* check "http" links like '<>'
in your pod. For that, please check out Test::Pod::No404s.

Normally, you wouldn't want this test to be run during end-user
installation because they might not have the modules installed! It is
HIGHLY recommended that this be used only for module authors'
RELEASE_TESTING phase. To do that, just modify the synopsis to add an env
check :)

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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