Package : perl-POE-Component-SmokeBox-Dists

Package details

Summary: Search for CPAN distributions by cpanid or distribution name

POE::Component::SmokeBox::Dists is a the POE manpage component that
provides non-blocking CPAN distribution searches. It is a wrapper around
the File::Fetch manpage for '02packages.details.txt.gz' file retrieval, the
IO::Zlib manpage for extraction and the CPAN::DistnameInfo manpage for
parsing the packages data.

Given either author ( ie. CPAN ID ) or distribution search criteria,
expressed as a regular expression, it will return to a requesting session
all the CPAN distributions that match that pattern.

The component will retrieve the '02packages.details.txt.gz' file to the
'.smokebox' directory. If that file already exists, a newer version will
only be retrieved if the file is older than 6 hours. Specifying the 'force'
parameter overrides this behaviour.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs