Package : perl-JSON-Tiny

Package details

Summary: Minimal JSON, no dependencies

the JSON::Tiny manpage is a standalone adaptation of the Mojo::JSON
manpage, from the fabulous the Mojolicious manpage "web in a box" framework
(version 3.43). It has been adapted as a single-source-file module of about
345 lines of code with core-only dependencies.

Mojo::JSON was chosen as a starting point because it is so light-weight to
begin with, robust, relaxed, and well tested. Furthermore, Mojo::JSON's
tests were able to be adapted as easily as the module itself to a no
non-core dependency configuration.

Most of the remainder of this document is adapted directly from the
Mojo::JSON manpage. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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