Package : ruby-text-hyphen

Package details

Summary: Hyphenate words using modified versions of TeX hyphenation patterns

Text::Hyphen will hyphenate words using modified versions of TeX hyphenation
patterns. Text::Hyphen will properly hyphenate various words according to
the rules of the language the word is written in. The algorithm is based
on that of the TeX typesetting system by Donald E. Knuth. This is based on
the Perl implementation of TeX::Hyphen[1] and the Ruby port[2]. The
language hyphenation pattern files are based on the sources available from
CTAN[3] as of 2004.12.19 and have been translated by Austin Ziegler.

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for ruby-text-hyphen using the current filters, try other values.