Package : perl-YAML-Accessor

Package details

Summary: Sugary accessors for YAML

'YAML::Accessor' aims to create a "gettr/settr" interface for YAML
objects/files and allow the user to both manipulate their structure and to
read and write from the (specified) file(s).

It doesn't use the simple 'YAML::XS' call 'LoadFile' and this may seem
unintuitive for users of YAML::XS. The point is not to reinvent YAML::XS,
but rather to create intuitive, easily-constructed objects with
proper accessor/mutator methods.

There are lots of things one could do with this; the obvious use case is a
config file.

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for perl-YAML-Accessor using the current filters, try other values.