Package : perl-Class-Maker

Package details

Summary: Classes, reflection, schema, serialization, attribute- and multiple inheritance

Class::Maker introduces the concept of classes via a "class" function. It
automatically creates packages, ISA, new and attribute-handlers. The
classes can inherit from common perl-classes and class-maker classes.
Single and multiple inheritance is supported.

This package is for everybody who wants to program oo-perl and does not
really feel comfortable with the common way.

Java-like reflection is also implemented and allows one to inspect the
class properties and methods during runtime. This is helpful for
implementing persistence and serialization. A Tangram (see cpan) schema
generator is included to the package, so one can use Tangram
object-persistence on the fly as long as he uses Class::Maker classes.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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