Package : perl-Data-Inherited

Package details

Summary: Hierarchy-wide accumulation of list and hash results

Description: adds a pseudoclass named 'NEXT' to any program that uses it. If a
method 'm' calls '$self-'NEXT::m()>, the call to 'm' is redispatched as if
the calling method had not originally been found.

In other words, a call to '$self-'NEXT::m()> resumes the depth-first,
left-to-right search of '$self''s class hierarchy that resulted in the
original call to 'm'.

Note that this is not the same thing as '$self-'SUPER::m()>, which begins a
new dispatch that is restricted to searching the ancestors of the current
class. '$self-'NEXT::m()> can backtrack past the current class -- to look
for a suitable method in other ancestors of '$self' -- whereas
'$self-'SUPER::m()> cannot.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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