Package : lz4-java

Package details

Summary: LZ4 compression for Java

LZ4 compression for Java, based on Yann Collet's work.
This library provides access to two compression methods
that both generate a valid LZ4 stream:

* fast scan (LZ4):
° low memory footprint (~ 16 KB),
° very fast (fast scan with skipping heuristics in case the
input looks incompressible),
° reasonable compression ratio (depending on the
redundancy of the input).
* high compression (LZ4 HC):
° medium memory footprint (~ 256 KB),
° rather slow (~ 10 times slower than LZ4),
° good compression ratio (depending on the size and
the redundancy of the input).

The streams produced by those 2 compression algorithms use the
same compression format, are very fast to decompress and can be
decompressed by the same decompressor instance.

License: ASL 2.0 and (BSD and GPLv2+)

Maintainer: daviddavid

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