Package : php-pear-XML_FastCreate

Package details

Summary: Fast creation of valid XML with DTD control

- Easy way to make valid XML :
$x->p(array('class'=>'example'), "World !")

- Option to report DTD errors in your XML :
Use internal tool or external program [ Require XML_DTD package ]
- Use output driver of your choice :
Text : return string
XML_Tree : return XML_Tree object [ Require XML_Tree package ]
- Translate option to quickly transform tags by another :
ex: Convert your XML to XHTML :
<news><title> Example </title></news>
=> <div class="news"><h1><span> Example </span></h1></div>
- Include a PHP program to quickly transform HTML to FastCreate syntax.
[ Require XML_HTMLSax package ]
- See examples for more informations :
- French Tutorial :

License: PHP License

Maintainer: mokraemer

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