Package : libopenr2-devel

Package details

Summary: Header files and libraries for developing applications for openr2

OpenR2 is a library that implements the MFC/R2 signalling over E1 lines using
the DAHDI Telephony interface. The MF R2 tones required for the signaling are
generated by code borrowed from the LGPL library SpanDSP written by Steve Underwood,
the user has the option to provide a MF interface to use his own MF R2 tone generation
and detection so the library will use them when needed, that's why this library does not
depend directly on spandsp, libteletone or zaptel for tone generation and detection
(depends on zaptel for CAS bits and general media transmission though)

These are the header files and libraries for developing applications for openr2.

License: GPLv2

Maintainer: nobody

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