Packages/Applications (System/Libraries)

Filter by package name:
  • polkit : PolicyKit Authorization Framework
  • polkit-qt-1 : Qt bindings for PolicyKit
  • popt : C library for parsing command line parameters
  • portaudio : Cross platform audio I/O library
  • portmidi : Real-time MIDI input/output, audio I/O library
  • primesieve : A fast C/C++ prime number generator
  • prison : KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 barcode abstraction library
  • pslib : A C-library for generating multi-pages PostScript documents
  • pugixml : A light-weight C++ XML processing library
  • pxlib : A library to read Paradox DB files
  • pystring : Collection of C++ functions emulating Python's string class methods
  • python-configshell : A framework to implement simple but nice CLIs
  • python-opengl : Python bindings for OpenGL
  • python-pygame : Python module for interfacing with the SDL multimedia library
  • python-pyxdg : Python library to access standards
  • python-rtslib : API for Linux kernel LIO SCSI target
  • python-setproctitle : A library allowing a process to change its title
  • python-slip : Miscellaneous convenience, extension and workaround code for Python
  • qhull : Compute convex hulls
  • qr-code-generator : High-quality QR Code generator library
  • qscintilla : Port to Qt of Neil Hodgson's Scintilla C++ editor class
  • qt-assistant-adp : Compatibility version of Qt Assistant
  • qt3 : Qt3 Sources
  • qt5pas : Qt5 bindings for pascal
  • qtspell : Spell checking for Qt text widgets
  • qtweetlib : C++ Qt based Twitter library
  • qtxdg-tools : Library providing specs implementations for Qt
  • quantlib : The free/open-source library for quantitative finance
  • quantlib-swig : The free/open-source library for quantitative finance
  • quesoglc : The OpenGL Character Renderer
  • quictls : Secure Sockets Layer communications libs & utils
  • qvr : QT library for VR applications
  • qxmpp : XMPP client and server library based on Qt
  • radare2 : Reverse engineering framework and commandline tools security
  • radiusclient : Radiusclient library and tools
  • re2 : C++ fast alternative to backtracking RE engines
  • readline : Library for reading lines from a terminal
  • recastnavigation : Navigation-mesh Toolset for Games
  • redland-bindings : Redland RDF Application Framework API Bindings
  • reproc : A cross-platform (C99/C++11) process library
  • rest : A library for access to RESTful web services
  • rest0.7 : A library for access to RESTful web services
  • rhash : Great utility for computing hash sums
  • rlottie : Platform independent standalone library that plays Lottie Animation
  • rocm-compilersupport : Various AMD ROCm LLVM related services
  • rocm-device-libs : AMD ROCm Device libraries
  • rocm-hip : ROCm HIP Runtime
  • rocm-runtime : ROCm Runtime Library
  • rtkit : Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon
  • rttr : Run Time Type Reflection for C++
1051-1100 of 1297.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.