
Filter by package name:
  • gfal2 : Grid file access library 2.0
  • gfan : Software for Computing Gröbner Fans and Tropical Varieties
  • gfbgraph : GLib/GObject wrapper for the Facebook Graph API
  • gflags : A C++ library that implements commandline flags processing
  • gfm : GFM is an application allowing to manipulate Texas Instruments handheld's files
  • gforth : Fast and portable implementation of the ANS Forth language
  • gfs2-utils : Utilities for managing the global file system (GFS2)
  • gftp : Multithreaded FTP client
  • gfxboot : Tools to create graphical boot logos
  • ggz-base-libs : GGZ Client Libraries
  • ggz-gtk-client : GGZ Client with GTK+ user interface
  • ghex : GNOME Hexadecimal Editor
  • ghostpcl : PostScript, PDF and XPS interpreter and renderer
  • ghostscript : PostScript/PDF interpreter and renderer (Main executable)
  • ghostscript-fonts : Fonts for the GhostScript PostScript(TM) interpreter
  • ghostwriter : A distraction-free Markdown editor
  • gi-docgen : Documentation tool for GObject-based libraries
  • giac : Computer Algebra System, Symbolic calculus, Geometry
  • giada : Sampler Audio Tool
  • giblib : Simple library and a wrapper for imlib2
  • gif2png : Tools for converting websites from using GIFs to using PNGs
  • giflib : Library for reading and writing gif images
  • gifsicle : Powerful program for manipulating GIF images and animations
  • giftrans : Convert transparent GIFs into non-transparent GIFs
  • gig : C++ library for loading Gigasampler files and DLS Level 1/2 files
  • gigedit : Instrument editor for gig files
  • gigolo : Frontend for GIO/GVFS
  • gimagereader : A front-end to tesseract-ocr
  • gimgtools : Manipulate Garmin IMG files
  • gimp : The GNU Image Manipulation Program
  • gimp-data-extras : The GNU Image Manipulation Program
  • gimp-fourier-plugin : A simple plug-in to do fourier transform on your image
  • gimp-help : Help files for Gimp2
  • gimp-plugin-animstack : A collection of tools to simplify creating animations in GIMP
  • gimp-plugin-astronomy : Astronomy plugins for the GIMP graphic editor
  • gimp-plugin-bgmask : A useful script to extract, to mask and to average
  • gimp-plugin-bimp : Batch Image Manipulation Plugin
  • gimp-plugin-separate : CYMK plugins for the GIMP graphic editor
  • gimp-plugin-wavelet-denoise : Gimp plugin to reduce noise in each channel of an image separately
  • gimp-saveforweb-plugin : Save for web plug-in for GIMP
  • gimp3 : The GNU Image Manipulation Program
  • gio-sharp : .NET/C# Bindings for GIO
  • girara : Simple user interface library
  • git : Fast and distributed version control system
  • git-archive-all : Python script wrapper for git-archive that archives a git clone and its submodules
  • git-cola : A sleek and powerful git GUI
  • git-info : Displays a summary of information about the git repository
  • git-info-bar : Shell plugin displaying various git attributes
  • git-lfs : Git extension for versioning large files
  • git-remote-hg : Transparent bidirectional bridge between Git and Mercurial for Git
1901-1950 of 15363.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.