
Filter by package name:
  • fcoe-utils : Fibre Channel over Ethernet utilities
  • fcron : Task scheduler
  • fdk-aac : A standalone library of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC codec from Android
  • fdk-aac-free : Third-Party Modified Version of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android
  • fdns : Firejail DNS-over-HTTPS Proxy Server
  • fdupes : Identify or delete duplicate files
  • featherpad : Lightweight Qt6 Plain-Text Editor for Linux
  • fedpkg-minimal : Script to allow fedpkg fetch to work
  • feff : Front-end for FFmpeg
  • feh : Image viewer at heart, though it does other cool stuff
  • felix-gogo-command : Apache Felix Gogo command line shell for OSGi
  • felix-gogo-parent : Parent pom for Apache Felix Gogo
  • felix-gogo-runtime : Apache Felix Gogo command line shell for OSGi
  • felix-gogo-shell : Apache Felix Gogo command line shell for OSGi
  • felix-parent : Parent POM file for Apache Felix Specs
  • felix-scr : Apache Felix Service Component Runtime (SCR)
  • felix-utils : Utility classes for OSGi
  • fence-agents : Fencing agents for cluster suite
  • festival : A free speech synthesizer
  • festival-freebsoft-utils : A collection of utilities that enhance Festival with some useful features
  • festlex : Voices for Festival - a free speech synthesizer
  • festvox : Voices for Festival - a free speech synthesizer
  • festvox-suopuhe-lj : Festival Voice - Finnish female speaker (suo_fi_lj)
  • festvox-suopuhe-mv : Festival Voice - Finnish male speaker (hy_fi_mv)
  • fet : Free Timetabling Software
  • fetchmail : Full-featured POP/IMAP mail retrieval daemon
  • ffcall : Libraries that can be used to build foreign function call interfaces
  • ffmpeg : Hyper fast audio and video encoder
  • ffmpeg-java : A Java wrapper around ffmpeg, using JNA
  • ffmpegthumbnailer : Lightweight video thumbnailer
  • ffmpegthumbs : Video thumbnail generator for KDE file managers
  • ffms2 : Wrapper library around libffmpeg
  • ffmulticonverter : GUI File Format Converter
  • fftw : Fast Fourier transform library
  • field3d : Library for storing voxel data
  • fife : Cross-platform game creation framework
  • fifechan : Portable C++ GUI library for games using Allegro, SDL and OpenGL
  • figlet : A program for making large letters out of ordinary text
  • figlet-more-fonts : Program for making large letters out of ordinary text
  • file : A utility for determining file types
  • file-rename-utils : Bash utilities that enable various file renaming actions, and more
  • file-roller : An archive manager for GNOME
  • filelight : Graphical disk usage statistics
  • filerunner : A simple file manager with built-in FTP support
  • filesystem : The basic directory layout for a Linux system
  • filezilla : Fast and reliable FTP client
  • fillets-ng : Fish Fillets NG, a puzzle game with 70 levels
  • fillets-ng-data : Data files for the Fish Fillets NG game
  • findutils : The GNU versions of find utilities (find and xargs)
  • finger : The finger client
1551-1600 of 15363.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.