Packages/Applications (Sciences/Astronomy)

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  • aladin : The Aladin Sky Atlas
  • aspic : A scientific library dedicated to inflationary cosmology
  • astromatic : A suite of astronomy pipeline software
  • calcmysky : Simulator of light scattering by planetary atmospheres
  • cdsclient : Query astronomical catalogues from the command line
  • celestia : A real-time visual space simulation
  • cloudy : Spectral synthesis code to simulate conditions in interstellar matter
  • cpl : ESO library for automated astronomical data-reduction tasks
  • ds9 : Astronomical Data Visualization Application
  • enzo : An adaptive mesh refinement code for astrophysical calculations
  • erfa : Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy
  • eso-midas : European Southern Observatory Munich Image Data Analysis System
  • eye : Small image feature detector using machine learning
  • fitscut : A tool for making cutouts and color images from FITS files
  • healpix : Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelation of a sphere
  • iausofa-c : Standards of fundamental astronomy
  • iraf : Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
  • kstars : A Desktop Planetarium and Astronomical Software
  • libnova : General purpose astronomy & astrodynamics library
  • libpasastro : Pascal interface for standard astronomy libraries
  • missfits : FITS file management
  • montage : A toolkit for assembling (FITS) images into custom mosaics
  • munipack : An astrophotometry software package
  • nightfall : An astronomy application for emulating eclipsing stars
  • psfex : Model the Point Spread Function from FITS images
  • python-aplpy : The Astronomical Plotting Library in Python
  • python-asciidata : AstroAsciiData is a Python module to handle ASCII tables
  • python-astropy : Community-developed python astronomy tools
  • python-astropy-helpers : Utilities for building and installing Astropy and Astropy affiliated packages
  • python-kapteyn : The Kapteyn Python Astronomy package
  • python-sherpa : Sherpa is a modeling and fitting application
  • python-yt : An analysis and visualization toolkit for Astrophysical simulations
  • saoimage : Utility for displaying astronomical images
  • scamp : Astrometric calibration and photometric homogenization
  • serplayer : A video player for SER files used in solar, lunar and planetary imaging
  • sextractor : Extract catalogs of sources from astronomical images
  • siril : Astronomical image (pre-)processing program
  • skychart : An advanced planetarium and ephemeris software for astronomy
  • skymaker : Image simulation
  • starlink-ast : A Library for Handling World Coordinate Systems in Astronomy
  • starlink-pal : Positional Astronomy Library
  • stellarium : Desktop planetarium in 3D
  • stiff : Automated image compositing and conversion
  • stuff : An astronomical source catalogue generator
  • swarp : Tool that resamples and co-adds together FITS images
  • task-astronomy : Install astronomy related packages
  • theli : A pipeline for the automated reduction of astronomical images
  • virtualmoon : Software for Moon observation and survey
  • virtualmoon-data : Additional data files for the Virtual Moon Atlas
  • vstar : Variable star plotting
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