Packages/Applications (Games/Arcade)

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  • gtetrinet : TetriNET game client for Linux
  • gzdoom : Enhanced Doom engine
  • heroes : Game like Nibbles but different
  • hijinx : A game about platforming, curses, and turtles
  • holotz-castle : A platform game with high doses of mistery
  • icebreaker : An addictive action-puzzle game involving bouncing penguins
  • irrlamb : Physics-based 3D puzzle platformer
  • iyfct : In Your Face City Trains: coffee-break runner game
  • jumpnbump : Cute multiplayer platform game with bunnies
  • kapman : A Pac-Man clone
  • kblocks : Single player falling blocks puzzle game
  • kbounce : Claim areas and don't get disturbed
  • kbreakout : Breakout like game
  • kgoldrunner : A game of action and puzzle solving
  • knightsgame : Multiplayer objective-oriented game with knights questing in a dungeon
  • kobodeluxe : SDL port of Akira Higuchis game XKobo
  • kollision : A simple ball dodging game
  • kroniax : Sidescrolling skill-based game
  • ksnakeduel : Snake race played against the computer
  • lbreakouthd : Breakout-style arcade game
  • liquidwar : Unique multiplayer wargame
  • ltris : Nice tetris clone
  • lugaru : Ninja rabbit fighting game
  • maelstrom : SDL port of Maelstrom asteroids game
  • mame : Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
  • meandmyshadow : Puzzle/platform game where you try to reach the exit by solving puzzles
  • megamario : Super Mario 1 clone
  • moleinvasion : Jump'n run game with Tux
  • mrrescue : Action game where you evacuate civilians from burning buildings
  • mures : Clone of Sega's "Chu Chu Rocket", a multi-player puzzle game
  • neverball : Roll a ball through an obstacle course
  • ninvaders : Space Invaders clone written in ncurses for cli gaming
  • openbor : Moddable fighting game engine (aka Beats of Rage)
  • openclonk : An action-packed game of strategy, tactics, and skill featuring Clonks
  • openmortal : Parody of Mortal Kombat
  • ostrichriders : Knights flying on ostriches compete against other riders
  • pax-britannica : Underwater one-button real-time strategy game
  • penguin-command : A clone of the classic Missile Command game
  • picmi : A nonogram logic game for KDE
  • pinball : Emilia 3d Pinball
  • pingus : A free Lemmings clone
  • pipepanic : A pipe connecting game
  • plee-the-bear : 2D platform game starring Plee the Bear
  • puzzlemoppet : Challenging 3D puzzle game
  • quadrapassel : GNOME Quadrapassel game
  • ri-li : A toy wood train kit game
  • rigelengine : A modern reimplementation of the game Duke Nukem II
  • rocksndiamonds : A boulderdash like game
  • sdl-ball : A Free/OpenSource brick-breaking game with pretty graphics
  • slade : An editor for DOOM maps and WAD/PK3 archives
51-100 of 126.

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