
Filter by package name:
  • teng : Templating engine written in C++
  • tepl : Text editor product line
  • terminator : A simple way to run multiple terminals in a single window
  • terminatorx : Realtime audio synthesizer
  • terminology : Terminal emulator that uses modern EFL
  • terminus-font : Fixed width font especially for long hacking sessions
  • tesseract : A high-performance OCR engine
  • test-interface : Uniform interface to Scala and Java test frameworks
  • testdisk : Tool to check and undelete partition
  • testng : Java-based testing framework
  • tetzle : Jigsaw puzzle with tetromino pieces
  • tevent : Samba4's event management library
  • texi2html : Highly customizable texinfo to HTML and other formats translator
  • texinfo : Tools needed to create Texinfo format documentation files
  • texlive : The TeX formatting system
  • texlive-pythontex : Run Python from within a document, typesetting the results
  • texlive-texmf : The TeX formatting system
  • texmacs : WYSIWYW scientific text editor
  • texmaker : A QT-based LATEX editor
  • texstudio : Free cross-platform LaTeX editor
  • textroom : Full-screen rich text editor for writers
  • texworks : A simple interface for working with TeX documents
  • tftp : The client and server for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
  • TGAImagePlugin : ImageIO TGA plugin
  • tgt : The SCSI target daemon and utility programs
  • theli : A pipeline for the automated reduction of astronomical images
  • themonospot : Multimedia files parser/editor)
  • thermal-daemon : The "Linux Thermal Daemon" program from
  • the_silver_searcher : Super-fast text searching tool (ag)
  • thin-provisioning-tools : Tools for altering dm-thin, dm-cache and dm-era device metadata
  • thonny : Python IDE for beginners
  • threadweaver : KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon for advanced thread management
  • thrift : Software framework for cross-language services development
  • thunar : New modern file manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment
  • thunar-archive-plugin : An archive plugin for the Thunar File Manager
  • thunar-dropbox : Dropbox plugin for Thunar
  • thunar-media-tags-plugin : A tag plugin for the Thunar File Manager
  • thunar-volman : A removable volume manager for Thunar
  • thunarx-python : Python Bindings for the Thunar Extension Framework
  • thunderbird : Full-featured email, RSS, and newsgroup client
  • thunderbird-l10n : Localizations for Thunderbird (virtual package)
  • thunderbird-servicemenu : Thunderbird attachment service menu for Plasma
  • ticpp : Completely new interface to TinyXML
  • tidy : Program for tidying up messy HTML
  • tidyp : Program for tidying up messy HTML
  • tig : Text-mode interface for git
  • tigervnc : Viewer for the VNC remote display system
  • tilda : A Gtk based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix
  • tiled : Tiled Map Editor
  • tilitin : Free Finnish bookkeeping software
13501-13550 of 14533.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.